Publications and Selected Outputs

The Sus-IT project has generated a wide range of outputs (including academic conference and journal papers, short reports, a Design Catalogue, a 'Toolkit' and a DVD) on varied aspects of the digital participation of older people. For convenience these have been grouped into five categories. The first is papers and publications that give an overview of the project as a whole. The remaining four categories represent the key areas in which the project has generated findings and new knowledge; these are: understanding older people's digital engagement; designing ICTS with and for the older person; learning and support needs of older people; and theory and methods. Most of these outputs are available to download through the website (where this is not possible, details about how to obtain a copy are provided).

1. Sus-IT project overview papers

The Sus-IT project briefing papers provide short summaries of the work of the project, the key findings arising from the research, some of the co-designed solutions developed on the project and implications for policy and practice. The following briefing papers are available to download via:

    • Sus-IT: an overview
    1. Older people and digital engagement
    2. Risk factors for digital disengagement
    3. Engaging older people in research and design
    4. Designing ICTs for an ageing society
    5. Older people’s ICT learning and support needs
    6. The community hubs proposition
  • DAMODARAN, L., OLPHERT, C. W. AND SANDHU, J. 2016. ‘Fit for purpose’ In A. Newell ‘The New Dynamics of Ageing’ published by Policy Press.
  • DAMODARAN, L., OLPHERT, W., GILBERTSON, T., SANDHU, J. AND CRAIG, M. 2015.  ‘Digital Inclusion - The Vision, the Challenges and the Way Forward’. International Journal on advances in Internet Technology. 8 (3 and 4). Available:
  • DAMODARAN, L., OLPHERT, W., GILBERTSON, T., SANDHU, J. AND CRAIG, M. 2015.  ‘Digital inclusion: the vision and reality’. Paper presented at ICDS 2015: The Ninth International Conference on Digital Society on February 22 - 27, 2015,  Lisbon, Portugal.  ISSN: 978-1-61208-381-0 Available:
  • Atkinson, M., Bell, M., Li, Y., Machin, C. and Sloan, D. 2010. Introduction to Sus–IT, a New Dynamics of Ageing project. Presentation at the Association for the Advancement of Assistive Technologies in Europe (AAATE) Workshop, Sheffield, UK, October 2010.
  • Damodaran, L., Young, W., Bornstein, S., Gadag, V., Farrell, G., Gien, L., Klima, G., Olphert, C.W.,Tomblin, S. 2010. Sustaining information technology use by older adults to promote autonomy and independence. Proceedings of International Society for Gerontechnology, 7th World Conference, Vancouver, May 27-30, 2010. Gerontechnology, 9(2) pp.129
  • Damodaran, L., Olphert, C.W. 2010. Sustaining IT use by older people to promote autonomy and independence. Proceedings of the International Society for Gerontechnology, 7th World Conference hosted in Vancouver 27th – 30th May 2010, pp. 96-97.

2. Understanding older peoples’ digital engagement

  • DAMODARAN, L. and SANDHU, J., 2016. The role of a social context for ICT learning and support in reducing digital inequalities for older ICT users. International Journal of Learning Technology. 11(2) pp.156–175. ISSN 1477-8386. Available:
  • VERA-SANSO, P., DAMODARAN, L., GILHOOLY, K., GOULDING A, , HENNESSY, C., MEANS, R., MURRAY, M., NEWMAN, A., OLPHERT, W., SANDHU, J., TEW, P., THOMPSON, J.L., VICTOR, C., WALFORD, N. and BARRIENTOS, A., 2014. Participation and social connectivity: The new science of ageing. In: A. WALKER, ed., The new science of ageing. Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 181-208. ISBN 9781447314660
  • Damodaran, L., Olphert, C. W. and Sandhu, J. Falling off the Bandwagon – exploring the challenges to sustained digital engagement by older people. Gerontology December 2013; DOI . 10.1159/000357431
  • Olphert, C.W. and Damodaran, L. 2013. Older people and digital disengagement: a fourth digital divide? Gerontology. Abstract available at:
  • Schwanen, T., Hardill, I., Lucas, S. 2012. Spatialities of Ageing: the co-construction and co-evolution of old age and space, Geoforum Volume 43, Issue 6, November 2012, Pages 1291–1295
  • Goodall, D. 2012 Relatively Disengaged DVD.
  • Young, W., Klima, G., Gadag, V., Gien, L., and Hardill, I. (2012) Sustaining Information and Communication Technology use among Canadians with at Least One Activity Limitation. International Journal of Technology, Knowledge and Society, 7,1, 1-12.
  • Sandhu, J. and McInnes, L. (2013) Use of technological devices by older adults: does cognitive ability play a role? Available from authors.
  • Damodaran, L., Olphert, C.W., and Sandhu, J. Case studies of digital disengagement March 2012.
  • Heeley, M. A Doctoral Dissertation, submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of Doctor of Philosophy degree of Loughborough University. To (B)oldly Go: A study of older people’s usage of ICT and its implications for thinking about a system map of identity. July 2012.
  • Sloan, D. and Sayago, S. 2012. Older people and their use of the internet. Nominet Trust. Available at:
  • Hardill, I. & Olphert, C.W. 2012. Staying connected: Exploring mobile phone use amongst older adults in the UK. Geoforum, Volume 43, Issue 6, November 2012, Pages 1306-1312 (Ed. I. Hardill).
  • Sayago, S., Forbes, P. & Blat, J. 2012. Older people’s social sharing practices in YouTube through an ethnographical lens. HCI September 2012 Number 11.
  • Van der Wardt,V., Bandelow, S. & Hogervorst, E. 2011. The relationship between cognitive abilities, well-being and use of new technology. Gerontechnology, 4th October 2012
  • Van der Wardt V., Bandelow S. & Hogervorst E. 2011. Cognitive Abilities, well-being and internet search performance in older people. Alzheimers & Dementia 7(4), p. 494.
  • Gibson, L., Forbes, P. and Hanson, V.L. 2010. What can the 'ash cloud' tell us about older adults' technology adoption?, Proceedings of the 12th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility (ASSETS) (2010), ACM, pp.301-301. Orlando,. Florida, USA, 25th-27th October 2010.
  • Gibson, L., Moncur, W., Forbes, P., Arnott, J., Martin, C. and Bhachu, A. 2010. Designing social networking sites for older adults. Paper presented at BCS HCI, Abertay, Dundee 8th-10th September 2010. In: L. MacKinnon & T. McEwan, Play is a serious business, Proceedings of HCI 2010, Vol. 1. Swindon: BCS. pp.1-8.
  • Damodaran, L., Olphert, C.W. 2010. Sustaining Digital Engagement: Some Emerging Issues. Presentation at Digital Futures '10 in Nottingham, 10th - 12th October 2010. Available via:
  • Van der Wardt, V., Bandelow, S. & Hogervorst, E. 2010. The relationship between cognitive functioning and digital engagement in older people. Presentation at Digital Futures '10 in Nottingham, 10th – 12th October 2010. Available via:
  • Van der Wardt, V., Bandelow, S. & Hogervorst, E. 2010. The relationship between cognitive abilities, well-being and use of new technologies in older people. In: W.-P. Brinkman & M. Neerincx (Eds.) European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics ECCE 2010: Caring technology for the future. Delft/The Netherlands: Mediamatica, pp.333-334.
  • Olphert, C.W. and Damodaran, L. 2010. Requirements for assisted living technologies: Differences in perspective between older people and their carers. Proceedings of the 39th Annual British Society of Gerontology Conference hosted at Brunel University 6th -8th July, 2010.
  • Olphert, C.W., Damodaran, L. 2010. Assisted Living Technologies - Users' needs and challenges for successful uptake. Proceedings of the International Society for Gerontechnology, 7th World Conference hosted in Vancouver 27th – 30th May 2010, p. 208.
  • Damodaran, L., Heeley, M. 2009. Digital Inclusion: a review of international policy and practice. EPSRC. Available at:

3. Designing ICTs for the older person

  • Frohlich, D., Lim, C. and Ahmed, A. 2013. Keep, lose, change: Prompts for the re-design of product, concepts in a focus group setting. CoDesign: International Journal of CoCreation in Design and the Arts. In Press.
  • Bell, M. and Machin, C. 2013. Increasing the Flexibility of Accessibility Modelling Through the Use of Semantic Relationships. Presented at User Modeling for Accessibility Online Symposium on the 15th July 2013. Available at:
  • Lim, C.S.C., Frohlich, D.M and Ahmed, A. 2012. The challenge of designing for diversity in older users. Gerontechnology 2012; 11(2) pp.297.
  • Atkinson, M., Bell, M. and Machin, C. 2012. Towards ubiquitous accessibility: capability-based profiles and adaptations, delivered via the semantic web. Proceedings of the International Cross-Disciplinary Conference on Web Accessibility (W4A 2012), Lyon, France, 16-17 April 2012. New York: ACM. Available at:
  • Gilbertson, T. and Machin, C. 2012. Guidelines, icons and marketable skills: an accessibility evaluation of 100 web development company homepages. Proceedings of the International Cross-Disciplinary Conference on Web Accessibility (W4A 2012), Lyon, France, 16-17 April 2012. New York: ACM>
  • Damodaran, L. and Machin, C. 2012. Making silver surfing accessible, article in Science Omega, February 2012. Available at:
  • Frohlich, D., Lim, C., Wood, S. and Ahmed, A. 2012. What older people want: a catalogue of co-designed ICT concepts. p6 – 7. Available at:
  • Frohlich, D., Lim, S. & Ahmed, A. 2011. Supporting memory and identity in older people: findings from a ‘sandpit’ process. Paper presented at the Include conference 2011, Royal College of Art, London.
  • Newell, A. Morgan, M. Gibson, L. and Forbes, P. 2011. Experiences with Professional Theatre for Awareness Raising. Interacting with Computers. Available via: August 2011.
  • Frohlich, D. 2011. Using the creative potential of older people in design. Presentation at the KT-Equal Workshop ‘Empowering older people to be active researchers, thought-leaders and influencers’, Reading, 20th January 2011.
  • Forbes, P., Sayago, S., Sloan, D. and Gibson, L. 2011. Never too old: Incorporating Digital Technology into the lives of older persons. User Experience, 10(2), 2nd Quarter 2011.
  • Atkinson, M., Bell, M., Li, Y., Machin, C. and Sloan, D. 2010. The benefits and potential pitfalls of user monitoring. Presentation at the Association for the design Advancement of Assistive Technologies in Europe (AAATE) Workshop, Sheffield, UK, October 2010.
  • Atkinson, M., Machin, C., Li, K.Y. and Sloan, D. 2010. Towards accessible interactions with pervasive interfaces, based on human capabilities. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computers Helping People (ICCHP 2010) hosted in Vienna, Austria 14th-16th July 2010.
  • Sloan D., Atkinson, M. T., Machin, C. H. C., Li, K. 2010. The potential of adaptive interfaces as an accessibility aid for older web users. Proceedings of 2010 International Cross-Disciplinary Conference on Web Accessibility (W4A), Raleigh, US, 26th -27th April 2010.
  • Atkinson, M., Li, Y., Machin, C. and Sloan, D. 2010. The socio-technological issues of adaptive interfaces and user profiling for accessibility. Workshop hosted at HCI 2010, The University of Abertay, Dundee, UK, 6th September 2010. Available on request from the authors.
  • Frohlich D.M., Woods, S., Lim, C.S.C. and Ahmed, A. 2010. Designing a Custom Computer for Older People through Innovation Sandpits. 2010. Abstract presented at British Society of Gerontology Scotland Conference Involving Older People: Meanings and Methods on 14th June 2010 at the University of Stirling, UK.
  • Bell, M. J., Machin, C. H. C. 2009. A framework for adaptive communication design. SIGDOC '09: Proceedings of the 27th ACM international conference on Design of communication, pp. 45-50.
  • Atkinson, M. T., Machin, C. H. C., Sloan, D. 2008. Making Accessibility Accessible. Proceedings of Accessible Design in the Digital World, York, September 2008.

4. Learning and support needs of older people

  • DAMODARAN, L., OLPHERT, W., 2015. How are attitudes and behaviours to the ageing process changing in light of new media and new technology? How might these continue to evolve by 2025 and 2040? Government Office for Science. Available:
  • Ramondt L., Sandhu, J., and Damodaran L. 2013. Staying digitally connected - a study of learning and support provision for older people in seven cities in England and the implications for policy and practice. International Journal for Education and Ageing. Volume 3, Issue 2, Summer 2013.
  • Sandhu, J. and Damodaran, L. 2013. ICT Skills Acquisition by Older People: Motivations for learning and barriers to progression. International Journal for Education and Ageing. Volume 3, Issue 1, Spring 2013.
  • Damodaran, L. and Olphert, C.W. 2013. Keeping Silver Surfers on the Crest of a Wave - Older people's ICT learning and support needs. Working with Older People, practical approaches to work, leisure, lifestyle and learning. Vol 17 No.1 March 2013. ISSN: 1366-3666.
  • Damodaran, L. and Olphert, C. W. 2013. The proposition - community hubs: meeting older people’s technology support needs, developing social communities and reducing isolation. Available at:
  • Damodaran L., Olphert, C.W. and Sandhu J. 2012. Falling off the Bandwagon? Sustaining Digital Engagement by Older People. Consultation Report hosted at St George’s House, Windsor Castle, 26th –27th November 2012. Available at:
  • Sandhu, J. and Ramondt, L. 2012. Scoping the barriers: to learning to use and sustaining use of ICTs by older people. Presentation at the British Society of Gerontology's 41st Annual Conference hosted at Keele University from Wednesday 11th July - Friday 13th July 2012.
  • Damodaran, L. and Olphert, C. W. 2012. Emergence of a user-generated strategy for future community-based ICT training and support. Paper presented at the British Society of Gerontology's 41st Annual Conference hosted at Keele University from Wednesday 11th July - Friday 13th July 2012.
  • Sayago, S. , Forbes, P. and Blat, J. Older people becoming successful ICT learners over time: challenges and strategies through an ethnographical lens. 3rd June 2012 Educational Gerontology. Available at:
  • Smith, M. Damodaran, L. and Sandhu, J. 2012. A sense of adventure: A report on older people engaging with information and communication technologies in Saltburn. Available at:
  • KT EQUAL. 2012. “Taming the Dragon; making technology work for us” workshop held at Anglia Ruskin University 29th November 2012. Available at:
  • Sandhu, J. and Forbes, P. 2011. Older Adults & Information Communication Technologies: Learning Needs & Support Mechanisms. Paper presented at the 18th International Conference on Learning held at the University of Mauritius on the 3rd – 7th July 2011.
  • Sandhu, J., Ramondt, L. and Damodaran, L. 2010. Scoping the barriers to learning to use and sustaining use of ICT's by older people. Proceedings of British Psychological Society Psychology of Education Section Annual Conference 2010 'Never too early, never too late: Learning for Life', Milton Keynes, 12th – 14th November 2010.

5. Theory and Methods

  • Hardill, I and Mills, S. 2013 Enlivening evidence-based policy through embodiment and emotions, Contemporary Social Science 8(3) pp.321-32
  • Eccles, A., Damodaran, L., Hardill, I. & Olphert C.W. 2013. Assistive Technologies: Ethical Practice, Ethical Research, and Quality of Life. In A. Sixsmith. Ed. ‘Technology for Active Ageing’, Springer book series “International Perspectives on Aging” Volume 9, 2013, pp 47-68. ISBN 978-1-4419-8347-3
  • Bannister, J. and Hardill. I. 2013. Knowledge Mobilisation and the Social Sciences: dancing with new partners in an age of austerity, Contemporary Social Science 8 (3) pp.167-75
  • Hardill, I. and Moss, O. Enlivening evidence-based policy through embodiment and emotions and Introduction. Contemporary Social Science as part of special issue Knowledge Mobilisation and the Social Sciences: Dancing with new partners in an age of austerity. 2013. Available at:
  • Damodaran, L. Olphert, C. W. and Sandhu, J. 2012, A toolkit for engaging older people in research and design. Available at:
  • Banister, J. and Hardill, I. 2012. Knowledge Mobilisation and the Social Sciences: Dancing with new partners in an age of austerity. Contemporary Social Science. 7(1) 2012. Available at:
  • Keith, S. 2010. Diversity in age: the challenges of reaching the ‘hard to reach’ . Proceedings of International Conference on Universal Technology. 19th - 20th May 2010. Oslo Norway: Tapir Academic Publishers.
  • Atkinson, M., Bell, M., Li, Y., Machin, C. and Sloan, D. 2010. Ethical considerations of how monitoring data is stored and used. Presentation at the Association for the Advancement of Assistive Technologies in Europe (AAATE) Workshop, Sheffield, UK, October 2010. Available at:
  • Hardill, I. 2010. Personal reflections on the challenges of user led research. 2010. Presentation at KT-Equal Workshop ‘Who is the User?’ Loughborough, 26th January 2010. Available at:
  • Olphert, C.W. 2010. Capturing User Requirements. Presentation at KT-Equal Workshop ‘Who is the User?’, Loughborough, 26 January 2010. Available at:
  • Damodaran, L. and Olphert, C.W. 2010. Collaborating with older people to explore requirements for Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs): methods and challenges. Proceedings of the 39th Annual British Society of Gerontology Conference hosted at Brunel University 6th -8th July, 2010.
  • Olphert, C.W., Damodaran, L., Balatsoukas, P. and Parkinson, C. 2009. Process requirements for building sustainable digital assistive technology for older people. Journal of Assistive Technology, 3 (3), pp. 4-13.
  • Damodaran, L., Olphert, C.W. and Hardill, I. 2010. Some ethical considerations about informed consent by older people to assisted living technologies (ICT) and the participation of older people in ICT research. Proceedings of International Society for Gerontechnology, 7th World Conference, Vancouver, May 27-30, 2010, pp. 85-86.
  • Keith, S. 2010. Diversity in age: the challenges of reaching the ‘hard to reach’ . Proceedings of International Conference on Universal Technology. 19th - 20th May 2010. Oslo Norway: Tapir Academic Publishers.
  • Forbes, P., Gibson, L., Hanson, V.L., Gregor, P. and Newell, A.F. 2009. Dundee user centre - a space where older people and technology meet. Presented at: ASSETS 09 (2009), ACM, pp.231-232. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, 25th – 28th October 2009.
  • Olphert, C. W. and Damodaran, L. 2009. Meeting the needs of older users – the Sus-IT project approach. Presented at the ImPaCT in Europe project Conference: Breaking the Barriers between the Stakeholders, Nottingham 21st – 22nd September 2009.

6. Concept Videos

The concept videos below have been created to demonstrate the need for and potential applications of the project's research.

Relatively Disengaged

This video highlights many of the issues older people face when deciding whether to continue using technology.

Work Package 4 Concept Video

This video demonstrates the potential uses of a framework for adaptivity and the ways that it could be used to combat the barriers to engagement described in the previous video.

Sandpits - CHI December 2012

This video was presented at CHI and describes an innovative form of requirement gathering through the collaboration of older people in sandpit events that can be used to provide new product ideas.